health, wellness, yoga, balance, life, live Shireena ElGallal health, wellness, yoga, balance, life, live Shireena ElGallal

Finding the work-life balance that suits you

Working is important, but living is why we are here

I feel like I have been running on a hamster wheel ever since I made the decision to go to grad school and live in Boston. I had to complete my pre-requisite courses, take the GRE, apply, complete my program, get certified and I have been working ever since. I never realized the blessings of having some liberty like summer breaks, or semesters, having the ability to take time to reset, start over, begin with a clean slate. Ever since I started actually working, I’ve had a hard time finding these moments to reset and clear my head so I can listen to my needs, or my wants. Some regions in the world have a “24/7” Labor mindset which leave very little room for pleasure, social time, self care or rest. The Chicago Tribune published a study that said

-The average person in Europe works 19 percent less than the average person in the U.S. That's about 258 fewer hours per year, or about an hour less each weekday. Another way to look at it: U.S. workers put in almost 25 percent more hours than Europeans.-

Although I agree making money is important, especially if you have loans and debt, which is inevitable sometimes, it is important to draw the line, to make sure you have enough time to live! To explore, to be present and make memories! Even laptops and computers need time to reboot and refresh or else they lag, they pend, they become slower and waste our times. Your body, and brain, is the same! You need to reboot so you can be more productive and better serve yourself and the community. Why do we feel guilty taking vacation time or calling in sick? Where do we draw the line- where we work, but still have time to socialize, have leisure time and decompress? They say the busier you are the more you need to meditate. This is your time, your minutes, and hours that you are not embracing.

Maybe set a time in the day, a day in the week and a weekend a month to do just that. Do something you don’t do on a regular basis, indulge in your community or your environment, detach yourself from the things you consume all day like work calls, emails, social media. Give your body the time it needs to gain perspective. Start there, and increase this time as needed.

Find that balance, celebrate the hard work you do, celebrate your life, your friends and family. Celebrate being present and having the capabilities to enjoy your time!

With love,

Shireena, x

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